Wednesday 25 December 2013

Principles of Good Writing

Short answer questions

1) What is the first step to write clearly and logically?
A:- In order to be able to write clearly and logically, first we should be able to think clearly and logically. If we cannot do this, we should train ourselves to do it by taking particular problems and then try to find the solution for it. While doing this, we shouldn't leave anything, and shouldn't avoid any difficulties that we meet.
2) What is needed to improve step by step thought?
A:- This context is from the lesson, "Principles of Good Writing", written by L.A.Hill. In this lesson, Hill pointed out the rules and regulations that are to be observed in improving one's writing skills.
     Hill, in this context, says that when we are in the beginning levels of writing, getting step-by-step thought may be difficult for us, and our mind may continually wander on various issues. But practice of writing will improve our ability to think clearly and logically.
3) What should one do to improve vocabulary?
A:- In order to improve vocabulary, one should read widely and carefully, and should keep a notebook in which to write down words and expressions that particularly strike him.
4) Where can one get ideas from to write?
A:- If one keep his eyes and ears open, he will find plenty of things to write about around him.
5) How much importance does the author give for inspiration?
A:- The author gives only one per cent importance for inspiration.
6) What, according to the author, do we need to develop to be interested in everything we see?
A:- According to Hill, we should develop the art of seeing and hearing things around us keenly and responsively as an artist does. Then we will be able to describe things vividly.
7) What interests people even when they are reading about the past or future?
A:- Hill opines that most people are interested in the present. Even when they read about the past or future, it is the past's or future's connection with the present that particularly interests them.
8) How can one know what interests people?
A:- By carefully reading magazines that are written for particular king of readers(e.g.:- women's magazines, magazines for teenagers etc.), we can find out things that interest particular types of readers.
9) What does L.A.Hill suggest can be used as a topic of writing?
A:- This context is from the lesson, "Principles of Good Writing", written by L.A.Hill. In this lesson, Hill pointed out the rules and regulations that are to be observed in improving one's writing skills.
          L.A.Hill says if we keep our eyes and ears open, we will find plenty of things to write about around us. Often a little piece of conversation heard in the street can be used as a topic of writing.
10) Summarize L.A.Hill's advice to a person who wants to be a "successful writer"?
A:-  This context is from the lesson, "Principles of Good Writing", written by L.A.Hill. In this lesson, Hill pointed out the rules and regulations that are to be observed in improving one's writing skills.
         In order to be a successful writer, Hill advices that one must write interestingly. While as a matter of fact different kinds of people hand different interests, and it will be difficult for one to appeal to all of them. So one has to know exactly what type of reader/s he is going to write for and exactly what kind of things interest such reader/s.
11) What does Hill mean by "simple and clear style" of writing?
A:- This context is from the lesson, "Principles of Good Writing", written by L.A.Hill. In this lesson, Hill pointed out the rules and regulations that are to be observed in improving one's writing skills.
       Hill says that it is always best to write simply and in a conversational tone, as plain, clean English is the fashion in these days. Using elaborate, decorative style, now-a-days has become out of date. Hill means to say that for writing something one shouldn't use jargon, officealese, hackneyed expressions, rhetorical flourishes and verbiage as all these not at all interest readers now-a-days.
12) How does Hill want to begin a presentation?
A:-  This context is from the lesson, "Principles of Good Writing", written by L.A.Hill. In this lesson, Hill pointed out the rules and regulations that are to be observed in improving one's writing skills.
                    Hill wants to begin a presentation from concrete words to abstract words whenever possible, and be definite. It means one should call a spade a spade and should avoid euphemisms. Because the using of euphemisms may create an impression that everything is all right when it is in fact not.
13) How do we know what in interests a reader?
A:-    This context is from the lesson, "Principles of Good Writing", written by L.A.Hill. In this lesson, Hill pointed out the rules and regulations that are to be observed in improving one's writing skills.
        Hill says, by carefully reading magazines that are written for particular kinds of readers (e.g.:- women's magazines, magazines for well educated men etc.), we can find out things that interest particular types of readers.
14) "To write interestingly, you must yourself be intensely interested in what you are writing." Comment on the significance of this statement in the context of the theme of the essay.
A:-  This context is from the lesson, "Principles of Good Writing", written by L.A.Hill. In this lesson, Hill pointed out the rules and regulations that are to be observed in improving one's writing skills.
                       Hill says when we don't show our personal interest to a task, we can't justify it and there won't be much scope/room to get success in it. Likewise, to write something interestingly, we must ourselves be intensely interested in writing and should have strong belief on what we say. If we cannot do this, we cannot arouse, expect the interest as well as sympathy from our readers.

Vali Basha Shaik