Thursday 17 October 2013

An essay on Integrity

 An Essay on Integrity                             
1)      “Honesty is telling the truth to other people.And Integrity is telling myself the truth.” – Spencer Johnson
2)      “Have the courage to say no(to wrong deeds/options),have the courage to face the truth.Do the right thing because it is right.These are the magic keys for living your life with integrity.” – W.Clement Stone.
The dictionary describes integrity as being unimpaired, unadulterated, or genuine state; entire correspondence with an original condition; purity. But in layman terms, integrity means to be who you are regardless if someone is watching you or not.   Being true to one’s self, values, beliefs and morals is vital on the religious viewpoint.   Integrity is how we decide to live our life.   In our lifetime we will be faced with decisions only we can make ourselves. Only we can decide how we live our lives, and the decision we make defines us as.   Integrity is doing the right thing opposed to doing the wrong thing.   Integrity builds character and helps us develop values.   This is an important quality to have because most people are looking for a trust-worthy leader.   Integrity starts in the home.   I grew up with great parents who taught me morals and values.   They taught me to love all mankind regardless of their social issue.   These lessons they taught me involved trust, respect, and integrity.   They told me these characteristics were good to have, when I was young I didn’t understand why they was telling me this, but now that I am a man I understand perfectly.   I believe all children should be exposed to integrity at an early age to develop personal growth.   I also believe integrity should be taught in the schools, because some children don’t have parents to teach them right from wrong.   I bring up school because this is where your integrity is tested at the earliest. Promoting early development of ethical values in children educates a child to live an honorable life. Children at school try to test you with different kinds of negative peer pressures which sometimes pull us to forget how we was raised and our values, beliefs and morals are soon gone.   It is our duty to be strong and courageous to do what is right.
Integrity is something many people are uplifted and praised for, yet at the same time many people are persecuted and looked down on for using it.Daniel from the Bible showed integrity by not breaking his promise to God to worship Him, but he was nearly killed for doing the right thing.Integrity can be tested in sports, academics, jobs, anything and everything throughout life requires making a choice between having integrity or not Athletes are praised for having integrity yet the ones without it are also looked to as role models and sometimes get ahead. Politicians are the primary example of having to make right choices because in order to get support, many have to do the opposite of right.
Integrity is living by a standard of morals and ethics. It is living by principals. It is doing the right thing at all times. It's the opposite of a hypocrite. A person who has integrity stands by their beliefs no matter what comes their way. If they believe people should not steal, but they are suddenly broke with no home and no prospects of a job, they still won't steal to live. If a kid has integrity and is honest, he is likely to keep his eyes on his own paper during a test and not try to copy an answer he can't figure out on his own.
Integrity means being true to ourselves and being honest, upright, and decent in our dealings with others. When we are guided by integrity, our thoughts and words are in line with each other; our actions align with our principles. It brings us good reputation and self-respect. Integrity demands courage but delivers untroubled sleep.
Developing integrity requires internal honesty, because we can’t be honest with others unless we are honest with ourselves. It requires self awareness, since we cannot accurately communicate what we do not know. Integrity in public life requires perfect coordination in thoughts and actions.
People of integrity is expected to do what it right, even if it is unpopular, and he is expected to behave with honor even when there is no one around to see. Integrity allows other people to trust us because they know that we value our commitments and seek to live by them. It is one of the cornerstones of loving relationships.
Integrity has taken a backseat in this commercial and materialistic world.It is even difficult to define in today’s context.Today everybody wants to accumulate wealth.Human wants are galloping in geometric progression.Greed is the order of the day.Public life is filled with private wants and desire.People in power want more power.They are power crazy.Very few people in public life are honest.
I would finally like to say that men &women in public life should follow Integrity in every walks of their life.Then we see a glorious progress in this world.
Impair                                          =  not damaged or lessoned something in any respect; harm something or
                                                         someone   and make it less good
many people are persecuted  =  many people are cruelly treated by somebody
stand by                                      = support
layman                                        = ordinary man; a person without professional
upright                                       = honest and morally good
reputation                                 = the opinion that people have about someone based on their behavior or
                                                       or character in the past
our thoughts  and our words= what we think  and what we speak

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